Sunday, May 19, 2013


So as you've probably seen I like to paint miniatures, I also like money so I'd like to offer you my skill with paint and air brush. Below is my price list it includes basing, varnishing and decalling (Shipping depends on where you live). I'm fully GST registered and will be taxed (in case you were wondering) and can provide receipts if requested on completion of the job. I mainly concentrate on Flames or War but I can do 28mm Warhammer/Warmachine...

Saturday, May 4, 2013


There's a few things I dislike in real life like waiting, stupid people, children, teenagers, old people,  people in general, messed up coffee order, being stuck in traffic, full trains, religion and atheists, Summer, Winter and a whole bunch of other stuff but as a wargamer the thing that really grinds my gears is paying for the Peripherals. That's the hobby tools and in this review/rant/comparison we'll compare the prices (in New Zealand...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Flames of Six Day War

We can now resume normal programming: After taking some time away from blogging (mostly laziness) I'm back and here's the start of my friends Eygptians for the 1967 6 Day War. Although there are no rules yet I'm sure with the gratuitous tanks battles and sheer amount of equipment Battlefront will more than likely kickstart this badboy.  Not being a fan of Vietnam the next best thing was the middle-east and the Arab states attempt to capture...