Monday, April 27, 2015


Get you mind out of the gutter we're not talking about shaking our asses for dollars oh no, no, no. This is much simpler article about getting paint off your mini's No Stripper poles here (or in Iceland apparently) Anyways moving on, you've probably got a pile of minis that maybe you painted ages ago and are just not happy with your skill at the time or maybe you scored a bargain on those monstrously painted space marines from Ebay.  What...

Friday, April 24, 2015

Product Review: Rubicon 28mm 1/56th Scale Tiger 1E

So a friend wanted a Tiger for his Bolt Action force, don't ask just..nevermind, so he arranged for a Tiger to be ordered now I intercepted it before he could get it so I set about looking at it an putting it together. Now what you get for your $40ish dollars is a really nicely detailed kit with options for and Early Tiger, A Desert Tiger with Air filters or a late war Tiger a set of decals and some very easy to follow instructions....

Monday, April 20, 2015

My Bolt Action Marines All Done!

So after a couple of weeks of casual painting I completed my 750 point USMC List for the Auckland Open although I didn't win I got 2 draws and one loss also a new found respect for Artillery after learning about it's ability to fire over open sights much nastyness. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures during the event because I felt ridiculously sick and forgot my camera and I didn't want to subject you to my phone camera. I also need to...

Saturday, April 11, 2015

DIY With Dan : Explosions!

This is my take on the classic flickering tea light and spray painted cotton balls explosion if you haven't seen this it's a cool little thing that enhances any knocked out vehicle or helps set the look for an artillery bombardment. Step 1: Gather your tools You will need A flickering tea light, Super glue, a hard metal tool, black spray paint and either a bag of pre-coloured firey coloured wool (I got mine from Battlefront a while back)...