Saturday, February 21, 2015

Behind Enemy Lines : The Podcast

Hey World : A few friends and I decided to get together and make a sweet Wargaming Podcast and we did and Episode 1 of the Behind Enemy Lines podcast is up and running and available here behind-enemy-lines-episode-1 Be sure and be the coolest kid on the block with New Zealand's number 2 wargaming news podcast. Listen as we introduce ourselves and talk about Wargaming, Games we want to play and subtly hint that we like free stuff. Thanks...

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Guest Blogger Nodnol : All your base are belong to us

Okay, so here's my first tutorial on how to do something. I've had some SS minis around that needed painting and/or basing for a few years now, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to complete them for my Estonian SS, and take some pics for a tutorial along the way. I'm a firm believer of less basing to promote good figures on my basing, so they tend to be plain and not cluttered in that respect. I've just taken pics at the...