Ever since the Flames of War book Hitlers Fire Brigade, I've wanted to run the captured T-34 company in there a couple of things stopped me 1: The points cost twas waaaaaaaay to expensive and 2: These tanks were part of the Waffen SS but weren't rated as such.
Now with the release of Battlefronts East Front book the T-34 Company is ready to destroy it's previous owners.
However this is the tale of how mine almost never happened I had hand painted the tank russian green then added splotches of Khaki grey after my Dunklgrab colour turned out so bad I almost scrapped the whole project but though "No, I can fix this" so out with my trusty Tamiya Sprayworks and tamiya German yellow a little more tamiya pigments (similar to that Mig wash stuff), also if I say Tamiya 3 more times they'll send me a free tank lol,and now I present you the results.
Now with the release of Battlefronts East Front book the T-34 Company is ready to destroy it's previous owners.
However this is the tale of how mine almost never happened I had hand painted the tank russian green then added splotches of Khaki grey after my Dunklgrab colour turned out so bad I almost scrapped the whole project but though "No, I can fix this" so out with my trusty Tamiya Sprayworks and tamiya German yellow a little more tamiya pigments (similar to that Mig wash stuff), also if I say Tamiya 3 more times they'll send me a free tank lol,and now I present you the results.
dude, that is a beautiful vehicle! I don't have East Front yet, were the costs significantly reduced for the captured T-34s?
Nope well maybe 450pts for 3 but they're fearless vet now!!!
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