Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Somedays I feel like a slave

! Well I guess I don't have to anymore! Having used army painter dip in the past and attesting to just how good it is I'd reccomend all you kiwi's visit www.slavetopainting.co.nz $5 shipping and comparable prices with Maelstrom and the primers are less than half of what GW charges so, shop, spend and PA...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm Moving

Hello everyone, Looks like I'm moving not all bad it's still in the same city just to a bigger place and I know get my own man-cave just like I used to. What this means is commissions and other paint jobs get done a lot faster. So yay email me if you want something done! ...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Long time no post

What a lazy guy! Nah not really well yea, maybe? Anyways Games Workshop St Lukes is having a painting competition these school holidays. Now I know what you're thinking "Wouldn't this mean it's a painting comp for kids?", meh probablly but I brought and painted a toy in 4 hours anyways what do you thin...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Panzerbrigade 150 begins

I've been working awawy trying not to overdo it with snow what do you think...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

To Infinity and beyond!

Yet another gaming system and an excuse to buy more toys I'm not a huge fan of 28mm Humans as I have issues with tones and stuffs but I present you with a sniper from the Ariadna faction... ...

Friday, July 29, 2011

I'll get round to it

Damn who hasn't posted in forever? Me! I'm not dead, depressed or out of posts but busy with painting I should have some pictures of everything however I want to get my photography up to scratch so I'm either going to build a lightbox or buy one. I'll gtet round to...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Battlefronts new bases

I purchased some of these new BF bases the other day I thought they'd be a great time saver and to a certain degree they are. However you will need to increase the hole size or file down the base. After a few hours I was completed a few pigments here and there and they're complete ...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A great new way to waste time!

Well I don't usually click on ads on blogs but I saw somehthing call World of Tanks now I thought I'd try it so I downloaded the 1.8 gigs worth and didn't stop playing until 4am this morning a slight bit unhistorical but a fantastic waste of time. I'm KingDan82 on it, please don't sho...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Miniature Battle Boards

Hey everyone, Looking for a battle board for your minature games can't find anything suitable well I've found it. My friend Lee has developed a board system for all your RPGing, Spacehulking and D&Ding needs so visit his website as questions buy his stu...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Battle Tech

After playing a game with Mark I thought I'd give it ago here are some of the low quality plastic mini's painted ...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Product Review

Hobby Scenics E Z Water. I tried this stuff out the other night following the instructions unfortunately it's not as free flowing as I'd like and it's the colour of honey it looks very fake I wouldn't reccomend ...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bad Things Happen

I've recently discovered Malifaux it's a Victorian, Western, Horror & Steampunk game instead of dice it uses cards I find it more relaxing than trying to dick over your opponent with rules ala Warmachine. It's less expensive than most other games as you only require a gang I think I've spent $50 so far and have what I need. I'd recommended this game to anyone looking for a fun skirmish game I learned most of the rules between having my ass...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blitzkrieg Models

Hey everybody this is Bob's blog and it's full of wonderfull eyecandy. Bob is a really good painter and is also a contract painter for ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time to move some junk...

Hi all it's been a while since I played with my Stug company so I think it's time to let it go. Make an offer otherwise it's available on Trademe http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=356960210&ed=t...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Battlecry 2011

Well that's over for another year I sort of regret not playing as photographing, judging painting,chatting and general wandering did a number on my legs. Anyways flames was well run and the tables where very nice when compared with other systems, hell the folks playing the spaceship game didn't iron their galaxy/blac bedsheet, I would really have liked to play but didn't have the army I wanted ready in time. Anyways next stop is Equinox with some...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Supplier Review

Earlier on when I wanted something awesome for my Field of Glory Swiss I turned to Khurasan Miniatures and they set me up with an awesome command stand for my Swiss (see the archive) unfortunately I'd already brought the rest of the toys elsewhere. Anyways these guys have a great range of historical, sci-fi and other assorted toys look them up buy their stuff.http://khurasanminiatures.tripod.c...