Saturday, October 13, 2012


Hi awesome readers as most of my readers seem be from the UK I thought this post most poinent a few days ok the below OH FUCK, OH FUCK WE'RE OUTTA MONEY!!! email arrived in my inbox below. Now I stopper using Maelstrom a while back for a few reasons. Firstly: Orders take for fucking ever to get to New Zealand. Secondly: Re-stocks move slower that contenintal drift Thirdly(not really a word): They're liars. Remember some time back when they...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

50 shades of panzer grey

Hello again readers and than you for popping by and having a read and a looksee you're probably wondering "Hey WTF happened to Daniel, he used to blog a lot and now it's just the same shit and no new pictures!" Well first off I apologise yes I have been tardy with my updates. However this does not mean I've stopped painting and playing ,goodness no, if anything my wargaming and hobby mind has been expanded it was like I took the red pill and...