Saturday, February 23, 2013

The War Never Ends

Holy nostalgia Batman just when you had no more money left for toy soldiers and Games Workshop was royally screw everyone (Spots the Space Marine, Never forget, Never forgive) Prodos Games hits back with a blast from that past friggin Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection  now I found this gem on Kickstarter and from what I can see it's pretty cheap. Truth...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hugh Quality Brushes

Need better brushes? So you've always wanted some of those fancy kolinsky sable hair brushes but seen the prices and though "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that" meanwhile you're paint jobs suffer you know you can do better but it's the brushes right?  Now you all know me, well not really, I wouldn't endorse something if it wasn't worth your time and money. Chris over at told me about a Kickstarter campaign...

Saturday, February 2, 2013


It's done finished, completed, over I started this comission nearly 2 years ago and now it's completed the reason for the slowdown was life getting in the way I can go through a list of excuses but I won't. Anyways I present you with Pete's Churchill Company with all options.... ...