Monday, March 16, 2015

Behind Enemy Lines: Episode 3 WIN FREE STUFF!!!!!

Stop the presses we've got another bumper release this time we've got a Flames of War special including an exclusive interview with James Brown from Battlefront about the new book Colours of War. You can win signed copy of Colours of War listen and find out how! Go ahead and download/stream Episode 3 here Behind Enemy Lines : Episode 3 It has everything you wanted to know about Flames of Wars upcoming releases as well as the usual...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bolt Action is a GO!!!

Recently I gave Bolt Action a go and tell you what it's what I've been looking for in 28mm at first I was hesitant to get into another WW2 game, what with the thousands of dollars of un-assembled Flames of war Miniatures, however I had a demo game and I fell in love... If you still like 28mm but are sick of 40K this is a very good replacement it's play is pretty balanced and because there's no I go, you go system just dice pulled from a...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Battlefronts 2015 State of the Union

Hell it may be March but it's better late than never below is BF's 2015 State of the Union  State of the Union At the end of most years I pen a little “what’s coming next year” to give you a glimpse of what we have planned. The plans we have been putting in motion for this coming year have been much bigger than ever before, and we still had so much in the air at the start of the year, we thought we would hold off sharing until things...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Behind Enemy Lines: The Podcast Episode 2

And the hits just keep on coming that's right folks with over 1100 downloads on the initial podcast we decided that you the audience more and we've delivered and like a 90's pizza driver it's over 50 minutes long so it's free. Download or stream it here Behind Enemy Lines The Podcast listen, enjoy and give feedback Greg loves to hear it.&nbs...