Over at the Battle Front website Wayne has posted his list and started a Road to The Mid War GT semi blog thingy http://www.flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=1110 I to thought this should serve as suffecient motivation to have my Hungarian painted and ready for the NZGT I will be slowly adding these bad boys to my blog as I progress but here is the list...
Hq 2x 38t
5 x 38t
5 x 38t
2x Nimrods
4 German Marders
and the 75mm Artillery for smokey godness
Hi Dan,
Mark hear aka 'Markovy' from FOW website. I have been talking to 'Nodnol' re getting some more gaming action and he mentioned Thurs every 2nd week at your place in Onehunga. He said "just turn up" but thought it best to run it past you first. Please could you email me on markd@cerebos.com.au or phone DDI 274 2756 (wk). Look forward to hearing form you. Tks
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