Thursday, May 31, 2012

A question for you, the reader.

Hey all Dan here with a short blog update nothing flash but with a question for you the readers. If I was going to sell stuff/things/hobby related stuffs what would you like to see from me? Tell me what you'd like to be able to purchase from my blog be it fully painted armies, basing material, brushes or whatever tell me in the comments below. I can ship pretty much anywhere in the world however some countries might be a bit iffy...

Sunday, May 13, 2012


The lazy blogger stikes again! So in recent weeks I've benn busy painting things for you my wonderful viewers to paruse but then the devil got a hold of me and I have been playing waaaaay too much Battlefield 3. Fortunately for me and you I've slowed down to get important painting jobs out the way. I've also go my brother-in-law working on a paint rack which will hold about 70+ Vallejo droppers once completed I'll post pics once completed...