Sunday, October 27, 2013


Day 2 of FlamesCon and it's over for another year and I came somewhere near the bottom :P but on my downward spiral I caught sight of some other new things (the benefit of a quick game is all the mucking around time/angel of death I get to do between games) anyways stupid me forgot my camera but Greg was on hand with his i-Thingee and emailed me some pics. Jets pew pew pew And some more Real Estate including a really big Mosque looks...

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Life in Plastic, it's fantastic!

So as some of you might know today Flamescon is being held in the Mt Eden memorial hall and as usual I'm doing a wildly mediocre job of driving tanks. However there's another reason why I go asides from getting to play with toy soldiers it's to get the goss on new and upcoming toys and releases. Unfortunately and NDA prevents me from telling you about upcoming books but these were on display to the general public. I talked with one of the...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Work in Progress

16 Days til FlamesCon and I'm the most ready I've every been here are my works in progress..... Bit of work to do but I'm sure it'll be done before the day.....maybe.&nbs...

Monday, October 7, 2013

FlamesCon GET IT ON! It's that time of the year again folks and this year I've gone with another fluffy list. I could've been a prick and taken Panters or KingTigers but I didn't. Why? Because I'm awesome.  I go to FlamesCon with the best intentions to play to win and crush my enemies but the real reason I go is because is because it gives me a chance to catch up with my friends and make fun of the people...