It's that time of the year again folks and this year I've gone with another fluffy list. I could've been a prick and taken Panters or KingTigers but I didn't. Why? Because I'm awesome.
I go to FlamesCon with the best intentions to play to win and crush my enemies but the real reason I go is because is because it gives me a chance to catch up with my friends and make fun of the people we don't like. There's also the chance to show off my painted to soldiers and maybe get some future business. I also get to hear about upcoming releases and chances to play the side games. I will of course take my lil Camera with me so I can take pictures to give to the world.
If you're in the Auckland area I'd suggest popping along 99% (there's always a couple of tools in every hobby)of gamers are friendly plus the developers and writers are there so you could find out if this game is for you.
Anyways my fluffy list as below 1500 Points Kampfgrumpe Pieper
HQ 2 x Panzer IV
4 x Panzer IV
4 x Panzer IV
Full Platoon of Panzergrenadiers with Fausts
4 x Heavy Mortars
3 x Pumas
2 x 3.7mm Ostwinds
Sporatic Me 262 Surmvogel
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