Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Zero Dark Thirty

One of the reasons I go "dark" as it were for and extended amount of time is that I'm usually busy painting something. In this case I was painting 1000 point Undead Kings of War force and I tell after my first game I was hooked and by the looks of the Fantasy players next to us we may have made a few additional converts. Results Were (and if I can remember armies) Regan Winner with Elves Jed 2nd with Orcs Francis 3rd with Undead Me 4th with...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

DanCon 2014

So I tried my hand at running a Flames of War Tourney and it went very well you can read more about it here http://scarybiscuitsstudios.blogspot.co.nz/2014/01/dancon-2014.html overall I had fun running it and there was not issues with scoring or any other problems. This tournament was, however, different to your normal everyday tournament. Players had 7 days to decide if they we coming and what list to bring and it was on a MONDAY (it's...