Friday, March 21, 2014

Making Money from your hobby

So you wanna make some money? There's this old saying "If you're good at something, don't do it for free." Painting mini's as a hobby is fun but it's an expensive hobby but you can supplement this through painting for others. As you may or may not know I am a commission painter I make a bit of money here and there and I consider myself an above average artist. Below are some hints and tips to help you get started. This comes at a cost firstly...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Warzone Resurrection a series of unfortunate events

Holy cow it finally arrived after Prodo's suffered from Fraud, Flooding, F*cking couriers, Sickness, Machine breakdown and whatever else ruined their deadline. These are, however, the risks you take on with any Kickstarter but it is here now and I was one of the last to receive mine so let us review. The rulebook is just under 300 pages long it's well constructed and looks to be rugged enough to dragged out often. The first 25 pages are...