Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ho ho ho I've got a Machine Gun!

Merry Christmas fellow readers I should've timed this just right so that the majority of my readers are still celebrating Christmas. I had a short sweet Christmas here nothing to related was received although I got a few more gardening books, my other other hobby, fortunately no socks and undies this year although my sister tells me there's presents for me at her house so I could be in luck. So as I have the middle of the week off I'm going...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sh*t Everywhere! Product Review

Obviously not my desk I'm a team Jacob guy! Hello everyone and glorious weekend to you all! My name is Daniel Linder and I have a messy desk. My desk is covered in shit paint, mini's, glues and other strange chemicals that I'm sure if mixed right would explode. Now it never used to be this bad I had some Vallejo, Tamiya and GW paints. However Slave to Painting started selling Vallejo Air and I picked up 50 Reaper paints for $100 so...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

2012 Round up and catch up!

Hey patient readers/views/blog enthusiasts hope you've had a good 2012 so far this year has been good I got a promotion at work have tried more gaming systems and played more board/card games than I have in the last 10 years. As usual I like to post only when I've painted something I think is cool or when I find a product or toy supplier or game that's awesome I also like to keep you abreast of dodgy pricks like Maelstrom Games aka Eye of the...