Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ho ho ho I've got a Machine Gun!

Merry Christmas fellow readers I should've timed this just right so that the majority of my readers are still celebrating Christmas. I had a short sweet Christmas here nothing to related was received although I got a few more gardening books, my other other hobby, fortunately no socks and undies this year although my sister tells me there's presents for me at her house so I could be in luck. So as I have the middle of the week off I'm going...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sh*t Everywhere! Product Review

Obviously not my desk I'm a team Jacob guy! Hello everyone and glorious weekend to you all! My name is Daniel Linder and I have a messy desk. My desk is covered in shit paint, mini's, glues and other strange chemicals that I'm sure if mixed right would explode. Now it never used to be this bad I had some Vallejo, Tamiya and GW paints. However Slave to Painting started selling Vallejo Air and I picked up 50 Reaper paints for $100 so...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

2012 Round up and catch up!

Hey patient readers/views/blog enthusiasts hope you've had a good 2012 so far this year has been good I got a promotion at work have tried more gaming systems and played more board/card games than I have in the last 10 years. As usual I like to post only when I've painted something I think is cool or when I find a product or toy supplier or game that's awesome I also like to keep you abreast of dodgy pricks like Maelstrom Games aka Eye of the...

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Hi awesome readers as most of my readers seem be from the UK I thought this post most poinent a few days ok the below OH FUCK, OH FUCK WE'RE OUTTA MONEY!!! email arrived in my inbox below. Now I stopper using Maelstrom a while back for a few reasons. Firstly: Orders take for fucking ever to get to New Zealand. Secondly: Re-stocks move slower that contenintal drift Thirdly(not really a word): They're liars. Remember some time back when they...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

50 shades of panzer grey

Hello again readers and than you for popping by and having a read and a looksee you're probably wondering "Hey WTF happened to Daniel, he used to blog a lot and now it's just the same shit and no new pictures!" Well first off I apologise yes I have been tardy with my updates. However this does not mean I've stopped painting and playing ,goodness no, if anything my wargaming and hobby mind has been expanded it was like I took the red pill and...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Armchair Repairs:

I didn't write this someone said I could use it on the condition of anonononominimityism anyways it was their take on how BF could fix their current issues.  We all would have Stratagems to Control and Counter the PSC (insert X-brand 15mm WWII mini manufacturer) superior points of difference, being AVAILABILITY, PRICE and QUALITY. So currently the customer visible practices are: - lockdown BF Tournament miniature usage - suggest...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Product Review Time

Hi again everyone! Who was that angry guy in July? Crazy anyways let  move onto some positvive happy stuff. Things that make our toys look awesome and can enhance our battlefield. I saw on Battlefronts site that they were releasing Chain, Barbed Wire (15mm & 28mm Scale) and Cable I found these 3 in Vagabonds in town today during lunch and thought they be just what I and you the reader needed. First up Iron chain 1.5mm chain there's...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kristen Stewart cheats on Robert Pattinson

Awww so sad that this happened.  Actually no not really it took me a while to figure out who they were and by that time I had lost all interest and that leads us on to the month just ended and holy shit has it been a crazy one. TL:DR: Daniel gets angry stays up late gets all ragey and makes lots of spelling mistakes. I make no qualms about it Flames of War is my favourite miniatures games but when you do something really daft and...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Warhammer 40K Rulebook

So I hear all this noise about the above book mostly it's NZ price tag of $146 to which would be justified if it came in a box filled with toys but it doesn't. I thought I've give 40K another chance I haven't played a game since the 1998. This was going to be like seeing that good friend you hadn't seen since high school sure he'd gotten more corporate and and wasn't as fun anymore but hey it was still him. As a wargamer it is my solem...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Rubber Shoes in Motion

Here is my test mini for a Khador army I'm working on. The head and arms are all magnatised so that once painted I can load out the 3 different Khador Jack options as they are all based on a standard chassis. The paint job only took about 5 hours in total. Originally I had airbrushed it with Tamiya Red and then added German Grey to the mix although the red tones where nice I wasn't happy so I decided I want to a winter wash Khador the...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

"He hath borne me on his back a thousand times"

It's a sad time when a man loses something he's known loger than most of his friends but today on Satuday, June 16 my chair finally decided to die. I had owned this chair since 2003 and it had seen me though the best of times and the worst of times and now he is dead. I'm reminded of a line from Hamlet.. "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times;...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Your hobby dollars? (make coffee before reading)

Hi everyone, In these tough economic times it's hard to pick and choose it's not  2007 anymore  and we can longer justify purchasing pretty much everything and anything, going from being paid $4,000 a month to $2,800 a month doesn't help either, so what I'm going to do here is help you ,the reader, by directing you in the best way to spend your hobby dollar. First things first you've got to be open minded this isn't Games Workshop...

Keep Calm and Carry On.

I'm tinkering with blog HTMLing, linking, coding, zeros and ones Matrix stuff without the leather, guns or Kung Fu. However soon it'll be loaded and a shop set up for the NZ Wargaming publi...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

So this is my new business logo tell me what you think I will soon have hobby supplies for wargamers in Auckland ready for supply and shipping but for the moment this is my lo...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A question for you, the reader.

Hey all Dan here with a short blog update nothing flash but with a question for you the readers. If I was going to sell stuff/things/hobby related stuffs what would you like to see from me? Tell me what you'd like to be able to purchase from my blog be it fully painted armies, basing material, brushes or whatever tell me in the comments below. I can ship pretty much anywhere in the world however some countries might be a bit iffy...

Sunday, May 13, 2012


The lazy blogger stikes again! So in recent weeks I've benn busy painting things for you my wonderful viewers to paruse but then the devil got a hold of me and I have been playing waaaaay too much Battlefield 3. Fortunately for me and you I've slowed down to get important painting jobs out the way. I've also go my brother-in-law working on a paint rack which will hold about 70+ Vallejo droppers once completed I'll post pics once completed...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Eye candy for all the boys and girls!

Hi everybody here's a link to my Battlecry 2012 Photobucket (in the title)200 odd photo's please look and enjoy. There's 40k, 1/300 Moderns, Flames of War, FoG and Malifaux. ...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Battlecry 2012

What a day! Just got back from Battlecry and I smell like a dead yeti. I spent today playing Malifaux I used the Sonnia Criid and her box set crew to cause mayhem and by that I mean loose 3 games and then finnally find her groove in the last one and although my pictures turned out to be maximillus horribilius I won most spiffing crew! I will attempt to get some better pics for you later o...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Flames of War V3

Having been part of the playtesting group that helped make this I feel proud to tell you that is the best version so far. There is nothing I do not like about and has taken me back to one of my favourite things, list noodling!, the only downside to this book is that if you didn't get the free mini one you'll have to wait until March to get the full set. Not to worry though the game itself hasn't changed it's still grown men gathered around...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sell, sell, sell

Well I don't like spikes and I'm not gamey enough to figure out how to make Skornology work so I'm selling them to make way for the no brains required Khador. If you're interested and can;t use trademe email me at and we can work something out. Meanwhile I've got some Churchills to decal! ...